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Tutorials and Instructions for commonly asked questions

1. EMS Tutorials

1.1. Fixing Random window errors in EMS

Occasionally you will run into some strange window positioning errors in the desktop version of EMS.  Examples would be pop-up windows appearing off screen, windows expanded so large that you cannot access buttons, etc.  The catch-all fix for these errors is very simple.


  1. In EMS click "Settings"
  2. Then click "Reset Window Coordinates"
  3. Repeat step 1 and then click "Reset Column Settings"
  4. Finally close EMS and wait about 5 seconds.  Re-open EMS and the issues should be resolved.

1.2. How to Print Room Cards

To print room cards for your building follow these steps:

  1. In EMS click the "Reports" menu
  2. Then click the "Daily" menu
  3. Then click "Room Cards"
  4. Select your starting and ending dates and whether you want specific times.  Modify the Format and Comment sections if you like.  Next click the "Buildings" tab.
  5. Select your building and move it to the right-hand column using the buttons in the middle.  Then select the "Statuses" tab.
  6. Move all available statuses to the right-hand column using the double-arrow button in the middle.  Then select the "Event Types" tab.
  7. Move all event types to the right-hand column using the double arrow button in the middle.  Then select the "Options" tab.
  8. Check the boxes for the options you would like to see.  When finished, click the "Print Preview" button.
  9. In the following window your room cards will be displayed.  Unless you specified otherwise, there will be one room per page.  You can navigate them using the highlighted buttons.  If the cards display the information you want, you can print, export, or email them using the buttons at the top.  After you have finished, close this window to go back to the room card configuration.
  10. After confirming that the cards are giving you the correct information, let's save this configuration so that you don't have to change the settings every time.  At the top of the window, click the "Save" button.
  11. Give your room card report a name and then click OK. (do not make it available to all users).
  12. Now all you need to do is follow steps 1 - 3 and then select your setup.  Then you click "Print Preview" (Always use the preview button just in case you need to make changes).

1.3. Installing the EMS Desktop Application for Windows

EMS Desktop Install (12/24)


  1. Download the EMS Desktop Installer and .cfg file from the following link:
    1. EMS Desktop Client Installation Instructions
    1. When you click the link to download, you will download two files. One is the application installer, and the other is a .cfg file.  The browser will warn you about this file.  It is fine.  Click the ellipsis (“…”) and select “Keep”
  3. Next Click “Open File” on the EMSApplication download. As long as you’ve kept the .cfg file, EMS will install and automatically open.

2. Gaussian Client Setup and Configuration

2.1. Download and Install MobaXterm Home

  1. Click on the following link:
    1. MobaXterm Xserver with SSH, telnet, RDP, VNC and X11 - Home Edition (mobatek.net)
  2. On the page that opens, click the Download MobaXterm button:
    1. (The version number will change)
  3. This will download a ZIP file.
  4. Go to your downloads folder and extract the ZIP archive:
  5. Allow the wizard to extract the files to the same location:
  6. After extracting Windows will open the folder it creates.  Run the MobaXterm installer MSI:
  7. Click Next at the copyright screen:
  8. Accept the EULA and then click Next
  9. Accept the default installation location by clicking Next
  10. Click Install to start the installation process (Requires administrative rights on the computer)
  11. Click finish to complete the installation

2.2. Create a new SSH session to connect to Gaussian

  1. Open MobaXterm Home
  2. Click on the Session button
  3. In the pop-up windows select SSH
  4. In the remote host field enter gaussian.cuw.edu
  5. Log in to test

2.3. Create a Gaussian desktop icon

  1. Open MobaXterm and right click on the Session you created in the previous step.  Click on the "Create a desktop shortcut" button.
  2. In the shortcut options pop-up, select "Close MobaXterm on exit" and then click OK
  3. Go to the desktop and double-click your new shortcut to confirm functionality.

3. IBM SPSS Statistics

3.1. SPSS Full Removal Script

Script to completely remove (uninstall) SPSS Statistics (macOS)



You removed SPSS Statistics by dragging the application to the Trash.  You see several preference files, extensions and custom dialogs remain. You need to completely remove everything "SPSS Statistics."

Resolving The Problem

Attached is a shell script for cleaning up SPSS Statistics installs (versions 19.0 through Current). To completely remove your installed version of the SPSS Statistics software, do the following:

1. Drag the Statistics <Version> folder from its installed location to the Trash, then empty the Trash.
2. Save the attached shell script and unzip it to a temporary location ( like "~/Downloads")
3. Open the Terminal.app (Finder -> Go -> Utilities -> Terminal)
4. Change the active directory to where you downloaded and extracted the shell script
$ cd ~/Downloads
5. Make sure the shell script has execute permission set:
$ chmod +x clean_script.sh
6. Know what your user ID is by typing the 'whoami' command:
$ whoami

In the example, the user ID is 'Fred'. Edit the shell script with the default 'nano' command-line text
editor. If you use the TextEdit.app GUI text editor, be sure to save the result a plain text.  This script does not work as Rich Text.

Alter the line USERID= to:


7. Run the shell script:
$ sudo ./clean_script.sh

3.2. SPSS Statistics Doesn't Run on Sonoma (macOS 14.0) - Fix Available

  • Description

    Apple released macOS 14.0 (Sonoma) on September 26th, 2023. The SPSS Statistics Development team is actively testing this release of macOS with our IBM SPSS Statistics products. Adding macOS 14.0 (Sonoma) as one of our supported platforms is a high priority

  • Problem summary

    SPSS Statistics Doesn't Run on Sonoma (macOS 14.0)

  • Problem conclusion

    Interim Fixes were developed for SPSS Statistics versions, and and are available to customers who need the fix prior to the next release.


    Interim Fixes may be applied to any installation within a version: addresses Statistics and addresses Statistics, and addresses Statistics, and


    An interim fix for Statistics 26.0.0.x is forthcoming.


    This issue will be also be addressed in a future release. 


    Note: Interim fixes are limited corrections to specific issues reported by one or more customers. They are normally sent only to customers who have reported one of the corrected problems, and who require an immediate correction. Interim Fixes do not address customer enhancement requests, and not all defect corrections can be delivered as Interim Fixes. Due to their urgency Interim Fixes undergo only targeted testing of specific fixes, not full regression testing. If the fix is not urgently required, you may prefer to wait for a scheduled Fix Pack Release, which will be fully regression tested. Interim Fix corrections, once fully regression tested, are automatically included in a future Fix Pack.

4. Microsoft Office

5. Microsoft OneDrive

5.1. Video Tutorials

Sharing Documents from OneDrive Online


Sharing Documents from Windows File Explorer


Adding your OneDrive folders to the Quick Access Menu


OneDrive Document Version History


Adding OneDrive Shared Folders to My Files / Windows Explorer

5.2. Add a Shared Folder to Your OneDrive

OneDrive – Add a Shared Folder to “My Files” and the OneDrive Application

After a folder has been shared with you, it will appear in the Online version of OneDrive, but not in the local version in the File Explorer. Follow the steps below to add a shared folder to your local OneDrive Application.

  1. Sign into OneDrive Online at: https://onedrive.live.com. Select the “Shared” tab on the left side of the screen.

  1. Click on the desired folder and select “Add shortcut to my files.”

  1. A notification will appear at the top-right of the screen once it has been added.

4.  The selected folder will now show up in “My Files” in the Online version of OneDrive as well as under OneDrive in your File Explorer.

5.3. Add a File or Folder to Quick Access

There may be folder saved in your OneDrive account that you frequently access. If this is the case, follow these steps to add these items to your quick access bar. You can tell if an item is pinned to Quick Access if there is a pin icon to the right of it.

  1. Open your File Explorer by either:
    1. clicking on the following icon at the bottom of your taskbar:  
    2. Typing in ‘File Explorer’ in the Windows Search bar and selecting the File explorer app.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder under ‘OneDrive – Concordia University Wisconsin’ and right click it to bring up a drop-down menu. 
  3. Select ‘Pin to Quick Access.’
  4. You will now see the selected folder listed under Quick Access.

5.4. OneDrive Permissions Icons

 Anyone with the link:  Anyone that you send this link to will have the permissions that you set AND can forward the link on giving other users the same permissions  If you are sharing a folder, anyone you send the link to will have the permissions that you set AND will be able to forward the link on giving other users the same permissions.


 People in Concordia University Wisconsin with the link:  Anyone that you send the link to will have the permissions that you set providing that they have an @cuw.edu or @cuaa.edu email address.


 People with existing access:  This setting is if you are generating a new share link for a document that you have already shared.  Anyone with previous access will receive the new permission you are setting.


 Specific People:  Email addresses that you specify will receive the permissions that you set.

5.5. Sharing Files with OneDrive Online

OneDrive – Sharing with OneDrive Online
OneDrive has numerous ways to allow you to share files with other users, this tutorial will cover the OneDrive website method.
To do the following steps, log into onedrive.com with your CUWAA email/Password OR right clicking on OneDrive in File Explorer and selecting the “View online” option.

Part 1 - Sharing Files

  1. Navigate to the file you want to share and click the 3 vertical dots that appear when you hover over it. Click the Share option.
  2. You will be met with the following menu. The first option it comes up with is the “Send link” option.
    1. Note: For security reasons, it is highly recommended you do not use the link option. Anyone who gains access to the link and see the file(s) you share with it. See step 3 for best practice.

  3. Click on the first Anyone with the link can edit, then select the blue briefcase/“People in Concordia…” option. By default, it has “Allow editing” check marked. If you don’t want them to edit, uncheck that box.
  4. Click Apply, it will continue with who you would like to sharing it with. Enter their name(s), it will search our CUWAA system for the names of your co-workers. You can add as many people as you would like here.
  5. Share the file.
    1. Hitting send this box to share it with an automated OneDrive email:
    2. Copying the link will give you a custom link that only the specific people you shared with can access. You can use this to link to paste it in your one customized email.

Part 2 - Sharing Folders

Sharing Files covers the exact same steps. Folders will allow you to add/remove files with out the other users losing access to the folder.

  1. Navigate to the file you want to share and click the 3 vertical dots that appear when you hover over it. Click the Share option.
  2. Change it to the blue briefcase/”People in Concordia…” option.
    1. Remember, “Anyone with the link” gives access to non-CUWAA people. It’s safest to select the Concordia option.
  3. Review the Editing checkmark, check/uncheck how you wish.
  4. Enter the name(s) who you would like to share it with.
  5. Click “Send” for the automated OneDrive email or Copy if you wish to write up your own email.

5.6. Setting Share Permissions on Files and Folders

Share permissions consist of the following:

Allow/Disallow Editing:  Checking/Unchecking this box will allow or prevent people you share your document from editing the contents of your document.  When applied to a folder, the setting applies to all documents and folders within that folder.

Set expiration date:  Setting this date will remove the share when the target date is reached

Set password:  Allows you to password protect a document or folder

Block download:  This option is only available it you have unchecked the "Allow editing" box.  This will prevent users from downloading or printing your document.  If applied to a folder the setting applies to all documents and folders within that folder.

5.7. OneDrive Status Symbols

OneDrive – Status Symbols


Blue cloud icon

This means the file/folder is available online. You can only open the file when you have an internet connection.


Green Checkmark

This file/folder is downloaded locally. You will see this on files you have opened on your PC before. You can open it without an internet connection.


Solid Green Checkmark

This file/folder is downloaded locally and you have instructed your PC to “Always keep on this device.” You can open it without an internet connection.


Any icon with a silhouette (person) icon

This file/folder has been shared with someone.


Blue Sync Icon

This file/folder is pending a sync. If it is actively rotating, a sync is currently happening.


Red X Icon on the OneDrive App

OneDrive has a problem with Syncing Files/Folders. The OneDrive app will guide you through fixing the files it has problems with.


For further explanation of the Microsoft OneDrive iconography, visit the following link:

5.8. Viewing your Documents in OneDrive

For documents saved in OneDrive if you open them from the file explorer version they will open as normal. However, if you are using the web version there are a few different ways to view the document.

The First viewing method is a web-based version of office programs. When clicking on the document you wish to open a new window will open.

This new window will bring the document up inside of a simplified version of one of the office programs. Shown below is a document pulled up in the web version of Microsoft Word.

The second is to open the document in the Microsoft program installed on your computer. There are two ways to open the document normally.

The first option is select the document you wish to open and click on the icon made of three vertical dots. It will look like the following image:  

Then select the option called Open. Inside of open there will be an option call “Open in app”. That option will open the document as normal.

The second way is to download the document and then open the downloaded document as normal. As shown in the image below. 

5.9. OneDrive Lunch n Learn Powerpoint


6.1. Add an unknown computer to SCCM devices

1.  Open the SCCM Console (If you don't have this installed, contact Justin Cross) then click "Devices."

2.  Click on "Import Computer Information" in the ribbon at the top of the screen.

3.  Select "Import single computer" and click next.

4.  Enter the "Computer name" and the "MAC address" (NOTE:  You will find the MAC address in the BIOS of the computer under System Information.  You want to use the "Passthrough MAC address" if you are connecting the computer to a dock or USB-C network adapter.  If you are connecting to the on-board network card you want to use the "LOM MAC address"). You do not need to fill in the "SMBIOS GUID" field or the "Source computer" field.  Then click next.

5.  Confirm the information is correct and then click next.

6.  If you need to add your new device to a collection, do so here by clicking the Add button.  If you do not, click next to skip this step.

6.  Find the collection you want to add and select the checkbox.  Select the parent folder on the left and checkmark a collection on the right.  Then click OK. Then click next on the collections page.

7.  Click next after confirming your settings on the Summary page.

8.  Click close on the Confirmation window.

9.  Do a search in Devices and confirm your device is now in the system.

7. Respondus 4.0

7.1. Installation Instructions - CUWAA Faculty/Staff Computers

Respondus 4.0 Installation Instructions


  1. Log into an administrator account (local admin should be fine)
  2. Copy files from SCCM locally to the computer.
  3. Install the .exe file, Respondus4campus-v409-03.exe, from SCCM (DO NOT LAUNCH RESPONDUS ON THIS ACCOUNT).
  4. Copy the “cefsimple” folder from SCCM and overwrite the folder located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\RespondusCampus40\"
  5. Copy or Move the “Respondus Projects” folder from administrator’s (account used in step 1) documents to C:\. Location should be “C:\Respondus Projects”
  6. Switch to the main user to license Respondus.
  7. Institution Name : “Concordia University – Wisconsin” | Password in installation folder
  8. LMS Personality: Blackboard
  9. If necessary, change the Respondus Projects folder location. File > Preferences. Then “Update” the folder.
  10. Connect the server
    1. Retrieval and Reports > Retrieve Questions
    2. Add new Server
      1. Whatever you want to name it, doesn’t matter.
      2. Run Connection Test
      3. Have the user log in as themselves in the Blackboard pop-up.
      4. Close After login.
      5. Look for a successful connection message.
      6. Test by doing the same login process again.
  11. Refer them to https://celt.cuw.edu/respondus-4-0-test-builder/ for video tutorials on how to use this program.






Step 2: during the installation you can create the Respondus Projects folder right on C: when it prompts for that default location. This allows you to skip step 5. However, I will do the steps listed above. - Mitch